Once you read some of these books, you truly see similarities in many of the techniques and explanations that they offer to manifest our dream lives. Although there are various ways to manifest, it’s very interesting to see the common thread in all these different practices, which form the eternal secrete and key to manifestation. My suggestion is to see which of these book and practices resonate more with you and try them out to see what works for you.

Note: The list of the books presented are in no particular order of preference.

Wishes Fulfilled : Mastering the Art of Manifesting – by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Dr. Wayne Dyer is one of my favourite authors and spiritual teachers of all time. His books and lectures always resonate with me very deeply, and this book was no different.

This book is essentially divided into two parts. The first part dives into the concepts of ourselves and the concept of our Higher self and Highest self, which was very enlightening. The second part is the foundations or the steps you need to take in order to fulfil your wishes. Which are very straight forward, easy to understand and to follow, but nevertheless extremely compelling and powerful.

I particularly liked this book because of the way the first part prepares us to receive the information given to us in the second part, and open our minds to be receptive to it. It is almost like he is preparing us mentally to change the limiting concepts that we may have been assuming about ourselves, into higher concepts of our true Divine selves, which is essential for us to truly fulfil our desires, and most often it is the most difficult thing to do, because of our deep engraved false limiting beliefs.

For this reason, I found the structure of this book to be laid out perfectly, so it’s easy to follow and to integrate his teachings in such a comprehensible and captivating way.

Like I said before, Wayne is an inspirational teacher, and you will not be disappointed to read his book. Not only will it help you manifest your dream life in a logical, but at the same time in a spiritual and transcendental way. You will change the way you look at yourself and your life.

Some topics discussed in this book:

– The Higher aspects of yourself;

– Changing the concept of yourself;

– Your Higher self;

– Your Highest self;

– The 5 wishes fulfilled foundations;

1. Using your imagination;

2. Live from the end (as if your desire was already fulfilled);

3. Feeling it (assuming the feeling of your wishes fulfilled);

4. Your attention, please (keeping your attention on your desire and not allowing external influence to affect your inner intentions);

5. Now I lay me down to sleep (before falling asleep is the most powerful time to reinforce in your mind your desires as fulfilled);

– Making it all come together (7 questions that will help you achieve a greater awareness of all these concepts in your life);

– Opening the mind to all possibilities.

Ask and It is Given : Learning to Manifest Your Desires – by Esther and Jerry Hicks

When I discovered Abraham, their message resonated with me. The way they explain the Universe, our part in it and even our own nature, it just made sense.

So the name Abraham represents a collective consciousness, who have described themselves as “a group consciousness from the non-physical dimensions” and Esther Hicks is the channel from where they communicate their lessons and teachings on the Law of Attraction.

I have read this book around two years ago. It was the first book I read about the Law of Attraction, and it was such a precious discovery. This is one of those books where you can come back to it time and time again, and you will always find a deeper meaning to it. It’s a book that opens your mind, heart and spirit to the wonders of the universe, and to the wonders of who we truly are and what we are capable of.

It is divided into two parts. In the first part we are presented with Abrahams teachings in which they explain the law of attraction, how it works, how we can attract our dreams, and so much more. An example of one of their teachings is that the stream of Well-Being (which they refer to the universal natural state of feeling good which is also our natural point of attraction) is always flowing to us, always present, but we are either in a state of allowing – which is when we feel good, joyful, blessed, and so forth – or in a state of resistance – when you don’t fell good, joyful or blessed, etc. And when we want to attract our dreams we need to be in this state of allowing, which we can be in by aligning our thoughts, beliefs and feelings with the stream of Well-being – which is essentially our natural state. I love this concept because it basically shows how our feelings are our guidance system that will always help guide us in our manifesting journey.

In the second part, they introduce us to 22 proven process or practices that will help us attract our desires and to gradually release any habits or patterns of resistance. Which is extremely helpful and practical. They even refer to them as games. These practices allow us to come back to our natural feeling of joy and become a master of the “art of allowing” as they refer to it.

So essentially, they offer us everything we need to help us reconnect with our source, with our well-being and with our innate ability to create our dream lives!

Some topics discussed in this book:

– The power of feeling good now;

– Reminding you who you are;

– You do create your own reality;

– The Law Of Attraction, the most powerful law in the Universe;

– You are standing on the leading edge of thought;

– You are a vibrational transmitter and receiver;

– The hidden value behind your emotional reactions;

– The three steps to whatever you want to be, do, or have;

– With practice, you will become a joyous, deliberate creator;

– Your emotional set-points;

– Allow your feelings to be your guide;

– You are co-creating within a magnificently, diverse universe;

– You are only 17 seconds away from 68 seconds to fulfilment;

– The different degrees of your Emotional Guidance scale;

– Processes to help you achieve what you now remember.

Super Attractor : Methods for Manifesting a Life beyond Your Wildest Dreams – by Gabrielle Bernstein

This book could easily be included in the self-help; personal development; and a spiritual genre book.

It is a guide to becoming spiritually, mentally and emotionally aligned with the Universe, and to become aware of our power to attract what we want by changing the way we feel, see and think about ourselves and the world.

The author presents a few methods and meditations to help us realign our energy to the Universe, and co-create the life that we want, which I found very useful. She gives examples of her own struggles and how she was able to realign with the flow of the Universe and the lessons that she learned from those experiences, which provides us with a deeper understanding of her process and how we can apply her methods ourselves, so that we can to tap into our supper attractor ability.

This is a book that presents powerful tools to empower ourselves not only to manifest the life of our dreams but to live our daily life with freedom, love, faith, trust, joy and peace and nurturing our innate spiritual connection with the Universe. Which will then produce the effect of manifesting our desires almost as a secondary fact. The most important thing is to cultivate these feelings to naturally align our energy and frequency with the universal consciousness, which is essentially aligning ourselves with the power of creation. This way we are not forcing our will but allowing and being in a state of receptivity.

I found her section on identifying blocks extremely useful, important and interesting. Because most of the time, we are not aware of how we may be blocking our manifesting power and this offers us great clarity and awareness, which in turn helps us to consciously remove these blocks and access our Super Attractor power.

A very easy read, the author has a very interactive way of writing and engages our attention right away.

Some topics discussed in this book:

– The importance of focusing on what you want and not what you don’t want;

– The major importance of feeling good and making it a priority;

– Fear of not having enough / transcending lack;

– Identifying our blocks to our Super Attractor power;

– Having fun and nurturing a state of joy as a powerful manifesting tool;

– Choose Again Method;

– Seeing with light – redirecting our focus from a world of fear to a world of love;

– Opening up to many forms of guidance;

– Doing less and attracting more;

– The Spiritually Aligned Action Method;

– The power of appreciation – Meditation

– Surrendering your desires to the Universe;

– Unwavering faith in the Universe.

Becoming Supernatural – by Dr Joe Dispenza

I have previously recommended this book on my blog post “Best 5 books that Link Science & Spirituality“, which you can also read, however this book is so good that I had to recommend it again.

This book is packed with themes such as manifestation, consciousness, mindfulness, science, spirituality, self-help, personal development, etc. it is one of the most complete books I have read. It has something for everyone and for every situation and dream we might have.

It has meditations, practices, case studies and scientific explanations especially for the more sceptic ones that find manifesting a bit too woo-woo or even those who have some difficulty in believing in manifestation or need more logical answers and explanations behind it.

This book helps deepen our belief in ourselves, and our power and ability that we innately all have to manifest our dream life and make important changes in ourselves!

Some topics discussed in this book:

– Being in the Present Moment;

– Tuning into New potentials in the Quantum;

– Blessings of the Energy Centers;

– Reconditioning the Body to a New Mind;

– Heart Intelligence;

– Mind Movie/Kaleidoscope;

– Walking meditation;

– Space-Time and Time-Space Realities;

– The Pineal Gland;

– Project Coherence.

Think and Grow Rich : The Landmark Bestseller Now Revised and Updated for the 21st Century – by Napoleon Hill

This is a book that can be included in the category of manifestation, but also as a productivity self-help genre.

Napoleon reveals the 13 steps that will lead us to our desired wealth and success. These 13 steps are a result of two decades of research, where he analysed hundreds of successful and wealthy men, some including Henry Ford, Thomas edition, and Theodore Roosevelt.

What I like most about this book are the stories behind these successful men that he studied for years, which are truly inspiring. From those like Henry Ford that came from nothing to building a wealthy empire, and Edison who had very little studies and yet was one of the greatest inventors of all time.

In the beginning of the book Napoleon Hill talks about the secret to achieving what you desire, which he doesn’t reveal directly but wants the reader to find out throughout the book, he even teases that one can discover the secret in the first few chapters, in the end of the book or maybe only after reading it the second time, which did pique my interest. I thought it was a very clever way to keep the reader engaged.

I’ll let you find out for yourself when and if you read this book, however I feel like it’s very clear, especially with the repeated steps, explanations and requirements he describes to achieve success, and in the examples of the real life stories he also describes.

There are parts of the book specially in the end where he offers a set of answers to why we fail, and how to get past these obstacles, and create a success mindset, which I found particularly interesting and useful.

It’s a practical book, but it also has some elements that could be considered more spiritual, especially when he refers to our sixth sense, our connections to a universal consciousness and working with our intuition.

I think this is a very powerful book because it demonstrates that the only thing that keep us from achieving our desires is ourselves and that we have the power to create our dreams, through belief, persistence, passion, desire, and action. Most who have succeeded never gave up when faced with adversity. The key is never to give up!

Some topics discussed in this book:

– The power of thought;

– Desire;

– Faith;

– Autosuggestion;

– Specialized knowledge;

– Imagination;

– Organized planning;

– Decision;

– Persistence;

– Power of the master mind;

– The mystery of sex transmutation;

– The subconscious mind;

– The brain;

– The sixth sense;

– The Six ghosts of fear;

Power of Your Subconscious Mind – by Joseph Murphy

This could also be considered a personal development book. The author offers the concept that we can manifest everything we want through the power of our subconscious mind, which he then offers the explanation on how to apply this idea to various different scenarios or areas of our life.

The concept of prayer that the author shares, is not like the ones we imagine or associate at first, but more of an intended connection with the subconscious mind, through thoughts, affirmations, requests, feelings and visualization. And trusting in its response and higher intelligence.

This book was written in 1963, so in some ways it is a little outdated, where I do find the gender roles to be very rigid. However, the value of the information and guidance he shares in the most of the book outweighs this issue. In many books we will find things we agree with and that we don’t, and like I said there are some things in this book that I don’t agree with, but the good outshines the bad, and I can just look past the bad ones.

I usually read at night before I go to sleep, so when I was reading this book, it was like I was feeding my mind with these thoughts that felt very empowering and inspiring to make these changes and to direct my thoughts. It was so straight forward that it was almost like I was receiving repeated suggestions every night, and I felt my conscious and subconscious mind believing in these truths and programming a different mindset. At the time I was reading this book, I actually did make some changes, and starting seeing pretty amazing results. It seemed to fast track some dreams and desires that were within me, and although I was already very aware of most of these concepts, it just felt like this book gave me the push that I needed, to propel me forward to manifest certain things in my life. So for this reason, I truly recommend this book.

Some topics discussed in this book:

– Difference between conscious and unconscious mind;

– Concept of belief;

– The power of choice;

– The power of suggestion;

– The power of the subconscious mind for healing;

– Prayer therapy / scientific prayer;

– Practical techniques

– The power of the subconscious mind for wealth;

– How to attract your ideal partner;

– Choosing happiness;

– Harmonious relations;

– Subconscious mind for forgiveness;

– Removing Mental Blocks;

– Releasing fear;

– BONUS: How to attract money.

The Power of Awareness – by Neville

This book is small, but filled with so much to dissect. It terms of length you can read it quickly, however, because the information offered is so rich and so profound it can take a while to assimilate.

If you are new to manifestation, law of attraction, new age ideas, spirituality and so forth, I would probably recommend one of the other 6 books, because for a beginner this book could feel like a shock. For an introductory book, it can be quite challenging. His message is direct and straight to the point, while other books tend to prepare you for some of these same ideas.

However, I also do want to make point out that some of these other books were largely influenced by Neville’s books. So like I said, this book is packed with profound ideas and information, so it is definitely worth reading.

The power of awareness is largely based on the law of assumption, where Neville explains that to manifest something in our life’s or to make any kind of changes in our lives, we first need to assume that our wishes have already been fulfilled and this is done though our imagination and through our feelings. So by imagining we are who we want to be or have what we want to have, and feeling as though it were already our reality, then by the law of assumption it will become true. The key, is to make it so real that you become it. In other words, assume the thought and feeling of the wish fulfilled until it is real to you and becomes your dominant feeling, and it will manifest into your world.

I particularly liked the chapter Case histories, where he gives examples of people that followed the steps laid out in his book and the results that they had, which is always great because we can see how his instructions and explanations translate into real life. It helps simplify the process and I had a lot of fun reading them.

Again, like all these manifestation books, it is very empowering, and it takes us through a journey of self discovery, where we remind ourselves what we forgot along the way – we do have the power to manifest our dreams, and we have the power to make changes in our lives by changing how we define ourselves, how we see ourselves and our beliefs about ourselves. The good news is that it is not only possible, but it is never too late to start right now!

Some topics discussed in this book:

– I am;

– Consciousness;

– Power of Assumption (Law of Assumption);

– The truth that sets you free;

– Attention;

– Attitude;

– Creation;

– The effortless way;

– All things are possible;

– Free will;

– Case histories;

– Failure;

– Faith;

– Destiny;

– Awakened imagination;

Hope you enjoy these recommendations!

Love and light! Xx

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